Darnley's Prayer

Oh my Mary!  kneeling here before thee
I do confess the greatness of my sin
Look on me, in my anguish I implore thee
And let my penitence thy pardon win.

Oh my Mary!  just is thy displeasure
Call me Caitiff!  Traitor!  if thou wilt
Pour out thy wrath, with neither strait nor measure
'Twill not exceed the baseness of my guilt.

The slanderous falsehoods whispered to deceive thee
Didst thou but know, it might thy pity move
Thus was I, for a moment - Oh believe me!
Lured from my duty - never from my love.

Oh my Mary, pity and forgive me,
Think of my youth, turn at my bitter cry
Let not thine anger and thy scorn outlive me
- Without thy pardon, at thy feet I die! -

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Copyright © 2001, Jack Campin