The Smoke and Utter Ruin of the Bloody City of Edinburgh - the town as viewed from outside
Just As Good As You, Sir - arrivals and welcomes
Who's Got Feet Like Arthur's Seat? - places around the city
The Oldest Cheeses have the Most Mites - great families and big houses
Sluttish, Nasty and Slothful - the people of Edinburgh
If My Heart it Should Break, I Wad Never Get Free - work, trades and occupations
Dangerous and Filthy Demonstrations of Tumultuous Joy - sport, play, fun and the arts
I Thought It Lang To Lie My Lane - love and sex
Hushie Ba My Bairnie - songs of mothers, children and school
Buy My Caller Herrin - street life, street cries and street music
To Brotherhood Great Powers Belong - clubs, cliques and conspiracies
Oh, Let Me Aff This Ae Time - crime, police and the law
There's Nae Germs Aboot the Hoose - disease and disaster
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as Anarchists - religion and the Kirk
The Fairest Tapestry That Ever I Saw - war and the army
When Order and Law May Be Safely Defied - politics, riot and repression
The Flowers of Edinburgh - a miscellany of tunes
Sad's the day I ran away from Edinburgh town - departures and farewells
Sampler: Music of Dalkeith
Embro, Embro Copyright © 2001, Jack Campin