Fingering Chart from NLS MS.21734

This minimal chart comes from the front of the National Library of Scotland manuscript MS.21734, from about 1800. There are very few accidentals and no trills. (The back of the book has a similarly skeletal chart for the F treble recorder).

The note names are those of ABC.

 D  123 4567
 E  123 45-7
 F  123 4-67
^F  123 4---
 G  123 ----
^G  12- 4567
 A  12- ----
 B  1-- ----
^c  --- ----
 d  123 4567
 e  123 45-7
 f  123 4-67
^f  123 4---
 g  123 ----
^g  12- 4---
 a  12- ----
 b  1-- ----
 c' 1-3 4-6-
^c' -23 4---
 d' -23 ----
 e' 12- -56-

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Old Scottish Flute Music
Copyright © 2003, Jack Campin