The Howl

Howl, howl, venomous Philistines!
Whelps of destruction! fanatical reivers!
Howl, howl, pinks of consistency!
Flunkeys and Pharisees - oily deceivers!
   What are ye, one and all,
   Rich or poor, short or tall,
But the lickspittle tools of a crafty old Member,
   Sound ye his honour'd name,
   All his great deeds proclaim;
Then get the kick in the month of November.

CHORUS:  Howl, howl, venomous Philistines!
         Whelps of destruction! fanatical reivers!
         Howl, howl, pinks of consistency!
         Flunkeys and Pharisees - oily deceivers!

Grunt, grunt, blatant nonentities -
Sworn propagators of strife and disaster.
Yell, yell, lovers of tyranny;
Flourish your staves at the beck of your master!
   Strangle discussion free,
   Quench manhood's liberty,
Lickspittle tools of a crafty old Member,
   Sound ye his honour'd name,
   All his great deeds proclaim;
Then get the kick in the month of November.

Yelp, yelp, rabid Reform League:
Gag every voice that speaks fearless and manly,
Down with the British flag - up with the bunkum rag!
Smash the bold shouter, "Hurrah for Lord Stanley!"
   Freedom's no dweller here -
   Fair play ye hate and fear,
Lickspittle tools of a crafty old Member,
   Sound ye his honour'd name,
   All his great deeds proclaim;
Then find it out in the month of November.

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Copyright © 2001, Jack Campin