X:1 T:Dainty Davie Z:Jack Campin: "Embro, Embro", transcription (c) 2001 F:15kirk/abc/DaintyAC.abc S:Sinkler MS NLS Glen.143(1) (later part by Anne Crookshanks) N:untitled in MS N:T is + in the MS, ~ is the way it's written there N:last bar has C,,2 written leading D,2 by a beat, as if there were five N:beats to the bar in the bass - I have halved the durations M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/2=72 V:1 V:2 bass up V:3 bass merge K:D Minor V:1 f2 |Tc>B AG FD ~F2 |Fc A/B/c Fc A/c/d|Tc>B AG FD ~F2 |f>g e>f d2 || V:2 F,2| E,4 D,2 D,E,|F,4 F,4 | E,2 F,E, D,C, D,2 |D,2 C,2 B,,2|| V:3 x2 | x8 |x2 F,,2 x2 F,,2 | x6 B,,2|x6 || % V:1 f2 |~fa fa f/g/a Tgf/g/|~eg eg e/f/g fe/d/|fa ag/f/ e/f/g Tgf/e/|fg/f/ Ted/c/ ~d2 f2 |] V:2 F,2| F,4 F,2 E,2 | C,4 C,,2 D,E, |F,4 C,4 |x2 C,2 B,,2 F,2 |] V:3 x2 | x4 F,,2 C,2 | x8 |x2 F,,2 x2 x2 |C,,D, x4 F,,2|]