The Edinburgh Ramble (2)

You Gallants so pretty
in Countrey and City
attend to my ditty
which to you I tell.
It is of my Rambles
and how I have gambold
and what sad misfortunes
unto me befell.

I set out for Edinburgh
with money great store
I never was in that
great city before.
I met with Companions
Moll, Nelly and Peg
who made me pay dearly
for Bobing in bed.

While my money lasted
I plenteously wasted
I wanted no pleasure
That e'er [I] could.
Of dancing and jinking
Carousing and drinking
with many a turn
at Bobing in bed.

While Molly and Nancy
did pleasure my fancy
they hurried me round
to Ball and to play
They Confused my Brains
and fired my head
and Constantly led me
for bobing in bed.

As I walk'd thro' the city
a wench that was pretty
came kindly unto me
it being late in the night
She ask'd me to treat her
I thought I could eat her
She being so neatly dress'd
up all in white.

She hurried me into
a Close that was nigh
and into an ale house
so cunning and sly
The shape of her body
and hair of her head
did give me great fancy
for bobing in bed.

A bed and a Chamber
cause I was a Stranger
She made them believe
that she was mny wife,
Great stores of good liquor
arround we did Bikker
I ne'er was so blunder'd
before in my life.

The Drabs of the houses
our host and his spouses
went spunging about us
our liquor to swill
When drunk they did make me
they laid me in bed
I said in the morning
I'd pay off the bill.

My punk she came to me
and laid her down by me
I gave her a Gunnea
our Bargain was made
To fill my desire
she gave me the fire
to punish me fairly
for Bobing in bed.

But while I did sleep
away she did creep
she took away breeches
my money & Cloths
My apparel and treasure
to spend at her pleasure
which made me look Blunt like
among the town beaus.

I was in such slumber
they thought a great wonder
the hostler came to me
by nine in the day
He ask'd for my Dutches
or where were my Breeches
my money and Cloths
being all taken away

Then I scratch'd up my eyes
in a sudden surprize
I suddenly found
the jade she was fled
And thirty brave pounds
she had for her prize
which swingingly paid her
for Bobing in bed.

I was brought to the justice
without shoes or breeches
but wrap't in a sheet
for to pay for my sins
There was five pound of lawing
which made me to stare
I wished myself down
in the Country again.

They demanded my note
which to them I wrote
and courteously told them
that all should be payed
My landlord discharg'd me
the justice enlarg'd me
but bad me keep distance
from Bobing in bed.

In town I'd a friend
who to me did lend
a suit of aparrel
and money again
I being reliev'd
and my losses retriev'd
then home I returnd
with a heart full of pain.

Design to take care
my money to spare
and ramble no more
among the young maids
Though both brisk & jolly
I've paid for my folly
not having adversion
for Bobing in bed.

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Copyright © 2001, Jack Campin